Saturday, June 12, 2010

CCC 2010 Day 3 The Lord's Supper

My favorite part of the conference, I think. Well, the most meaningful maybe. It's really hard to put a 'favorite' part. The reason this was so meaningful to me, is because I was bowled over at the simplicity and love that's REALLY found in the Lord's Supper. That is, when it's done the way God intended it to be.

CCC 2010 Day 3 Session 8

... and so we end the conference sessions. The last session usually ties it all together for us. Bob Christopher did a fantastic job of putting the 'therefore' on the  conference. Living the Christian life, is living in dependence in Christ, and allowing His love to flow in and through us.

CCC 2010 Day 3 Session 7

Self image. Identity. Truly important components in knowing who Jesus is. Bob Christopher shared today about a man from Iowa who was nicknamed "Monkey Face" in elementary school, and carried that name all through his school career. This man was in a depressed state.

Friday, June 11, 2010

CCC 2010 Day 2 Ramblings

Today has been the most excellent day! The sounds of laughter ringing out from my boys was music to my ears. Listening to the laughter, then chuckles as we listened to Richard during the lecture just warmed my heart. As a mom, I often wonder, 'Are they GETTING it?? How can I tell without being pushy??" Casual conversations are letting me know that yes, they're getting it.

CCC 2010 Day 2 Session 6

Richard once again graced us with his teachings. There were a couple of "aha" moments for me in this session. Remember the part of the sermon on the mount where Jesus says something to the effect of, "You have read where___________, but I say unto you that if a man_____________"? He makes this statement in various forms a few times, not just once. It was brought out that by Jesus saying, "The law says this, but I say that" is an indication that Jesus just set himself up to be higher than the law. What must the pharisees thought? Could you imagine?

CCC 2010 Day 2 Session 5

Bob Christopher blessed us with his lecture tonight, using one of my favorite analogies of the mason jars. He pointed out scripture that states we have been sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit. What God seals, doesn't come unsealed. The blood of Jesus cleansed us once and for all; making us ready to receive His life.

CCC 2010 Day 2 session 4

What a treat! We were privileged to have Richard deliver the lecture for session 4. The humor was appreciated by my boys, myself, and the rest of the conferees. It was a wonderful sound to hear my boys laughing at Richard's testimony in the form of anecdotes. This let me know that yes, they were listening, and not just zoning out.  He reminded me of a belief system I'd heard before, but forgotten about.

CCC 2010 Day 2 Session 3

A wonderful reminder was given today by Bob Christopher, at the opening of the lecture. Too many times we are given the indication by well meaning teachers and preachers, that everything we have in Christ is a separate entity unto itself. We get little amounts of reconciliation, a tad bit of forgiveness, justification, and other such things as we need them. This is not true, however.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

CCC 2010 Day 1 Session 1

....and so it begins. Hands were shaken, necks hugged, conversation had, and now for the purpose of the conference: a clear teaching of God's unmerited Grace. Opening up the conference manual entitled, A Scriptural Journey to Discover the Grace of God, we read about what Jesus said about Himself.

CCC of 2010 Day 1 arrival

What a smooth trip this has turned out to be! Maybe God wanted us here, after all. Where is 'here'? It is in Carrollton, Texas, home of the annual Classic Christianity Conference hosted by People to People Ministries. Over the next few days, I hope to share some thoughts concerning this year's conference.